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Master in International Relations

from 04/09/2017
to 30/11/2017

The 2017-2018 edition of the Master in International Relations will begin in November 2017, organised by the International University of Andalusia in collaboration with the Pablo de Olavide University and the Fundación Tres Culturas.


Masters in International Relations are offered by the most prestigious Universities, both European and American, each one adapting the content of the Master to the interests of their region, although all of them share common elements.

The Master is semi-classroom, one part is classroom covering modules I to IV, which are given from November to March and attendance is required for the mark given in these modules and, during these months, there is also a virtual part covering module V, which is distance taught.

The Master in International Relations is a multidisciplinary Master that integrates know-how about International Relations and the study of the international society from the historic, economic, juridical and socio-cultural perspectives in which said international relations are carried out.

There are currently two Andalusian Universities, Granada and Pablo de Olavide, in Seville, that offer a Degree in Political Science and Public administration for which the Master would be the perfect complement to complete training in international ambits.

Graduates in, among others, Political Science and Public Administration, Humanities, Journalism, Law, Economic Science, Sociology or Environmental Sciences can take this Master. Likewise, it is open to professionals from different professional areas: consular representations in Andalusia, journalists or civil servants in Public Administration whether regional, central or local.


The Master in International Relations aims to train graduates in a diversity of academic fields, focusing on the Mediterranean, especially the Arab world, Ibero-America and the European Union, Andalusia’s three great references for international expansion. All of this will be preceded by a general part that will cover basic aspects of International Relations, its history, its sociology, politics, geopolitics, legal system and jurisprudence, economics and current general state, which is especially important in a world that is so mutable and sometimes confusing, like the start of the XXI century.

With the goal of promoting studies in International Relations and to offer elements to reflect upon and to understand within the international context, the first goal is to offer a prestigious Master that can be used by all of those graduates who want to develop a career in research, a professional international profile or those related to actions abroad.

Also, the reinforcement of international organisms as players in world politics, the globalisation of the economy, the generation of supranational blocks and the consequent state independence mean that it is more and more essential to have more knowledge about international relations, European and international institutions, as well as specialised NGO’s. Therefore, the second goal is to promote the study of International Relations as a multidisciplinary reference that becomes very significant within the current, complex panorama in which globalisation and economic, political and cultural heterogeneity are the main players.

The third goal is to offer complete training about current International Relations in three large areas: Mediterranean, the Arab world, Ibero-America and the European Union, covering, among other themes, international relations, development cooperation, the evolution of the integration process in Europe and in Ibero-America and the incipient exterior exposure of infra-state entities, paying special attention to the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.


Classes will be given from Monday to Friday in the afternoons


International University of Andalusia: Module 1 is given here (Introduction and the Contemporary International Society Module) and Module 3 (Ibero-America)


Fundación Tres Culturas: Module 2 is given here (Mediterranean and Arab World) and Module 4 (Europe).


Preregistration and registration

Click here