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Entrepreneurs Guide

Asociación Cultural de Danza “La Argentinita” (Cultural Dance Association)

Sector: Dance Zone: Andalusia Address: Hilario Martín Jiménez C/ Hijuela de Villa Horacia 100, 11540 Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cádiz Contact: Inmaculada Lobato Díaz Tlf: 625471419 Email: la-argentinita@mixmail.com Web:

After 22 years of experience working with women, many of them in situations of marginalisation, pain or exclusion, Inma Lobato has come to realise that flamenco is not only a vehicle of cultural expression but also a therapeutic tool that can help many people to improve their state of mind. Can flamenco heal the soul? The answer is clear: YES.

Services provided:

Weekend workshops.
Weekly workshops.