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Mes de la Diversidad Cultural

Tras la adopción de la Declaración Universal de la UNESCO sobre la Diversidad Cultural en 2001, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas proclamó el 21 de mayo ‘Día Mundial de la Diversidad Cultural para el Diálogo y el Desarrollo’. Se trata de una fecha que invita a conocer otras culturas, a aprender de ellas y propiciar el enriquecimiento mutuo, una fecha que, por cuarto año consecutivo,  en la Fundación Tres Culturas se convierte en la oportunidad perfecta para celebrar el Mes de la Diversidad Cultural durante todo mayo.

De este modo, desde el 3 de mayo, día en que el espectáculo ‘Tarab Flamenco-De Cádiz a Estambul’ sirve de pistoletazo de salida a esta programación especial, la sede de Tres Culturas se convertirá en un escenario único por el que desfilarán músicos, cineastas, escritores y otros expertos en diversidad que nos demostrarán lo positivo de compartir y conocer otras realidades.

Entre las actividades del Mes de la Diversidad Cultural destacan:


Archive Activities

25/05/2018 Childish Concert

‘The Mediterranean music and rhythm’. Educational concerts for school children

Within the activities programmed in the Month of Cultural Diversity, the Three Cultures Foundation reprogrammed two shows for students at

from 19/05/2018
to 21/05/2018
Concert Conference

Ancient Music Festival of Granada: ‘The Age of Discovery’

The Three Cultures Foundation collaborates for the third time in the Ancient Music Festival of Granada. It is a multidisciplinary

15/05/2018 Conference Formation

International seminar ‘Integrative Andalusia: The networks of cities as a tool for local action and social cohesion’

The Seminar Integrative Andalusia: the networks of cities as a tool for local action and social cohesion is organized by

from 15/05/2018
to 30/06/2018

Exhibition ’24 Hours in the life of … ‘

The Three Cultures Foundation hosts the exhibition ’24 Hours in the Life of … ‘. It is a visual story

11/05/2018 Spectacle

Theatrical performance ‘Chiki or Ba Allal’

The Tagada theater company is considered one of the most appreciated theatrical formations of the Moroccan national scene.Founded in 1972,

10/05/2018 Spectacle

Theatrical Performance Ayout Chawiya

Within the Month of the Cultural Diversity programming, it has been programmed a theater function in Arabic language which will

from 08/05/2018
to 29/05/2018

The Cinema Tuesdays in May. II Exhibition of the Latinrab Festival in Seville ‘Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue’

The Three Cultures Foundation focuses on the intercultural dialogue through the image showing the films received at the last Latinarab

from 07/05/2018
to 10/05/2018

Latinarab, the festival winner of the UNESCO Sharjah Prize for the Cultural Diversity and the Promotion of Arab culture

Within the framework of the project Andalucía, land of diversity, the Three Cultures Foundation, in collaboration with the Cine Fértil