This cycle of conferences will gather a strategic selection of the most important cities in the History of Islam and which, at one point, became capitals of important medieval kingdoms or Empires. All of them will be explained by worldwide renowned experts who will discuss not only about the History of the capital tackled (their highest peaks and urban expansions) but also about the conservation of ancient remains of the cities (abandonment, pillaging, wars, real-estate pressures, etc)
In this opportunity we will discuss about the city of Cordoba next September 20th, 19:30h at the Three Cultures Foundation with the prestigious Professor Rafael Blanco Guzmán of the University of Cordoba.
In order to attend this event, it is necessary to register here.
Prof. Rafael Blanco Guzmán
Prof. Blanco Guzmán has a degree in History of Art from the University of Cordoba and an Official Master Degree in Archaeology and Heritage from the Universities of Cordoba, Huelva, Málaga and Pablo de Olavide of Seville. Among its main scopes of research, it is worthy to remark the domestic al andalus architecture and the Almohad urbanism.
He has been visiting professor in Paris in Sorbonne-Paris IV, U.F.R. Histoire de l’Art et Archeologie during the years 2008 and 2009. Finally, among his latest publications, we can highlight: La fitna y sus consecuencias. La revitalización urbana de Córdoba en época almohade, Una ciudad en transición: el inicio de la Córdoba Islámica o La Córdoba tardoislámica y su arquitectura doméstica.