Inicio 5 Event 5 'Morocco viewed from the outside: media analysis of current issues'

'Morocco viewed from the outside: media analysis of current issues'


18 December 2014| 02:00
19 December 2014| 01:59

The Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation, The Ministry in Charge of Moroccans Living Abroad and Migration Affairs and M'Sur will organise the seminar Morocco viewed from the outside: media analysis of current issues. The seminar will take place on December 18th at the headquarters of the Three Cultures Foundation.

Over the past few years, Morocco has been frequently mentioned in different international media outlets as one of the countries which has better adapted to the social, cultural and economic turbulences which have affected both sides of the Mediterranean basin. The regionalisation process, the reinforced links with the EU or the reforms introduced by the Mudawana have all been widely debated in the foreign press. Yet, despite all the interest aroused by these developments, the country's image remains largely stereotyped, imprecise and mainly linked to the negative aspects of immigration.

In this context, the seminar aims to highlight the positive side of immigration coming from Morocco as an issue barely covered in the media by discussing topics such as the contribution of Moroccan citizens to host countries, their competencies and skills, as well as successful life experiences. Renowned journalists, writers and researches, among other professionals, from Morocco and elsewhere, will take part in this seminar in order to debate about their own personal experiences or those they have written about so they can serve as an example for our Southern Mediterranean neighbors.

Free admission. Advance registration required at