Accueil 5 Événement 5 International Conference, 'The Legacy of Al Andalus, Persia and Iberia'

International Conference, 'The Legacy of Al Andalus, Persia and Iberia'


Début :
17 novembre 2015| 02:00
Fin :
19 novembre 2015| 01:59

The Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation will participate in the International Conference, ‘The Legacy of Al Andalus, Persia and Iberia’ which will be held next November 17th and 18th in the Azodi room of the University Allameh Tabatabaí, in Teheran.

This International Conference which will be held in the headquarters of the University Allameh Tabatabaí in Teheran has been chaired by PhD. Emilio González Ferrín, director of Cátedra Al Andalus of the Three Cultures Foundation. Besides it is part of the different activities which the Foundation has programmed in the Cycle entitled Iran in the There Cultures which includes cinema, a roundtable and a concert.

The main objective of this conference is to deepen in different intercultural and interdisciplinary approaches of research destined to study how, when and where the encounter between the Iberian and Iranian cultures happened. In the opening of the event, a message from the President of the Regional Government of Andalusia will be read. Lastly, the director of the Foundation and the President of the University will sign a MOU to develop more activities in the future between the two institutions.