The Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation and the Andalusian Literary Centre collaborate in the presentation of this bilingual Spanish-Arabic edition of The tree of life. Poems for mankind (poetic anthology 1996-2013) by José Sarria. Juan José Téllez, director of the Andalusian Literary Centre, and Pedro Luis Ibáñez Lérida, representative of the Andalusian Association of Literary Critics, will accompany the author in the presentation.
The tree of life (Sanabil) is a collection of poems written by José Sarria between 1996 and 2013. It also includes some unpublished poems translated into Arabic by Mohamed Méjib ben Jemia, Professor of Spanish Philology at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of La Manouba (Tunis).
This literary event will include a poetry reading in Arabic (by Sumaya Chahir) and Spanish, as well as a concert by Rosa Borrego Ollero (guitar) and José Luis Berral Rodríguez (flute), students at Córdoba’s ‘Músico Ziryab’ Professional Conservatory of Music.
José Sarria (Málaga, 1960). Writer, essayist, and literary critic. He is currently the Secretary General of the Governing Board of the Collegiate Association of Andalusian Writers; Secretary General of the International Association of Supportive Humanism and permanent member of the Jury of the Andalusian Critic Prize and the Governing Board of the Andalusian Association of Literary Critics.
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