On May 19th, in our session of Al-Andalus Specialist Talk, we will have the collaboration of Sandra Rojo, Doctor in Arab and Hebrew Cultures by the University of Granada.
Through her presentation, Nostalgia of Al-Andalus, the speaker will deal with a poetic state with regard to a mythical past (the Andalus times) along with symbolic and discussion constructions that have been building around it. We will lead with a certain political use of nostalgia, along with the way on which this sight of Al Andalus hugely penetrated both in Spain and in Morocco. In the talk, doctor Rojo will explain the carried out fieldwork, to show the public the current validity of the myth and its interpretative riches.
Sandra Rojo Flores is a Mexican anthropologist, professor in the Department of Social Anthropology of the University of Granada. Doctor by the University of Granada and secretary of the magazine Imago Critica (Anthropos publishing house), she is also an associated investigator with Cultural Foresight Observatory of Granada. She has collaborated in several research projects, both in Mexico and Spain and Morocco, such as “El patrimonio compartido: las elites de Fez y Granada”; “La ciudad mediterranea en perspectiva comparada: Fez y Granada” ; “Tres vectores de transicion a la modernidad en Marruecos y Andalucia en perspectiva comparada”; “Memoria oral de la Alhambra (1ª, 2ª y 3ª fase)” y ” El proceso de modernizacion en las artes y artesanias marroquies y sus conexiones con Andalucia y España 1956-201″.
The conference will take place in the headquarters of the Foundation, from 19.30 P.M., with free entrance and previous registration in the next link.