Inicio 5 Evento 5 IV International congress of the Tanger Group: Expert network on democratization in North Africa

IV International congress of the Tanger Group: Expert network on democratization in North Africa


2 febrero 2017| 02:00
4 febrero 2017| 01:59

The Three Cultures Foundation and the Center for Social and Legal Studies Southern Europe organize the fourth edition of the annual “TANGER GROUP”, under the title “EVOLUTION AND TRENDS OF POLITICAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN MAGHREB” , Which will take place on February 2 and 3, 2017 at the Foundation’s headquarters.

Tanger Group is an expert network focused on the analysis of the political processes that are taking place in North Africa. It is a project of academic origin that seeks an exchange of ideas, research and specialized knowledge on democratic development and institutional consolidation in those societies that are undergoing significant social and political changes.

The Tanger Group has been promoted as an international project by the Center for Social and Legal Studies “Southern Europe” (, in collaboration with universities and other scientific and social entities of the Mediterranean, in order to offer diagnoses Political and constitutional reforms taking place in this geopolitical region.

In this fourth edition, the Political Science Department of the University of Granada, the Research Group “Andalusia, Fundamental Rights and the European Union” (SEJ-173) and the “Persistence of authoritarianism and political change processes in the North Of Africa and the Middle East: consequences on political regimes and the international scenario “(Project of excellence P12-SEJ-3118) of the University of Jaén.

In order to be able to attend de congress, it is necessary to register here.

Link to Seminar Program.

