Inicio 5 Event 5 Martes de Cine. Proyección de 'Incendies' (Incendios)

Martes de Cine. Proyección de 'Incendies' (Incendios)


23 June 2015
24 June 2015

In the programme that the Fundación Tres Culturas has been dedicating every month -for 10 years now- to films from Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries, many films could be highlighted, many of which have only been available in our cycle Martes de Cine and some others that have even been released in Spain thanks to our initiative.

Unfortunately, there are few examples where a sample of the vibrant film scene from these regions does manage to reach the commercial circuits. Films from countries such as Turkey, Egypt, Israel or Iran are rarely available in cinemas, and when they are, they remain in theatres for barely a week.

This is the reason that drives us, during the month of June, to programme a series of films that, due to their impact and relevance both on the billboard and in terms of recognition at festivals, deserve a second chance on the big screen. Films that you probably couldn't see in the cinema, but that you will be able to enjoy at Tres Culturas.

Martes, 23 de junio

Incendies (Incendios)

Dirigida por Denis Villeneuve (Canadá, 2010, 130 minutos).


Jeanne y Simon Marwan son dos mellizos cuya madre, que lleva mucho tiempo sin hablar, ha muerto. En el acto de apertura del testamento, el notario les da dos cartas que deben ser entregadas a un padre al que creían muerto y a un hermano cuya existencia desconocían. Ambos emprenderán un viaje al Líbano para localizarlos y encontrar respuestas a su existencia. Basada en una obra de teatro de Wajdi Mouawad.

Nominada al Oscar a la Mejor película extranjera en 2011.

Nominada a la Palma de Oro en el festival de Cannes de 2012.

Nominada a la Alhambra de Oro y Mención especial del jurado en el Festival de Cines del Sur, de Granada, de 2013.

Free admission until full capacity is reached.