The Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation resumes its collaboration with the Seville European Film Festival
The aim of this collaboration is to show recent works by directors from the Middle East and North Africa and Europeans from this region. Thus, as part of the Seville European Film Festival, the following films will be screened Bloody Beans by the French-Algerian director Narimane Mari; Silvered Water, Syria Self-Portrait by Syrians Ossama Mohammed and Wiam Simav Bedirxan; and The Kindergarten Teacher by Israel's Nadav Lapid.
In addition, coinciding with this edition of the festival, Tres Culturas will dedicate the 'Tuesday Film' programme in November to European directors from the Middle East and North Africa, showing a growing trend in recent years that combines an increasing number of creators from this region born in Europe or exiled there and the growing European participation, especially French, in the financing of these productions.
Despite being a prolific and quality production, these films continue to find it difficult to be distributed in European cinemas, being screened at best only in a few specialised festivals. It is a pleasure to be able to offer a representative sample of this type of cinema, a purpose we share with the Seville European Film Festival.
Bloody Beans
Narimane Mari (Francia, 2013, 84 minutos)
V.O. árabe y francés subtitulada en español e inglés
11 de noviembre. 20.00 horas. Cine Nervión Sala 4, con la presencia de la directora.
12 de noviembre. 17.00 horas. Cine Nervión Sala 4, con la presencia de la directora.
Un ritmo contagioso infecta Bloody Beans, un aire de magia negra, entre sueño y pesadilla. Un grupo de niños se baña en una playa, hasta que el conflicto comienza: se trata de la Guerra de Independencia de Argelia, reinterpretada enteramente por niños de seis a catorce años en un viaje surreal en el que los adultos representan el poder colonial opresor. Watkins y Vigo se dan la mano en un film que aúna ensoñación y gesto revolucionario. Mockumentary arrebatado, documental de su propio rodaje, en el que el rapto nocturno de un soldado deviene en rave gracias al cine (y a la música de Zombie Zombie) mientras se cuestiona el relato de la historia.