Inicio 5 Event 5 Presentation of 'Zimma', by Ismael Diadié Haïdara

Presentation of 'Zimma', by Ismael Diadié Haïdara


8 May 2015
9 May 2015

The Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo will present the book Zimma, The latest work by the patriarch of the Kati family, president of the Mahmud Kati Foundation and director of the Kati Fund Library in Timbuktu, Ismael Diadié Haïdara, an activity that forms part of the Seville Book Fair.

Zimmapublished by Vaso Roto, is a philosophical tale in which Diadié pays homage to the oral tradition belonging to the culture of the nomadic ethnic groups of North Africa and the Niger curve. The stories starring fantastic beings, animals or humans become an instrument for transmitting life lessons, just as the traditional masters of Africa did.

Friday, 8 May 2015. 8 p.m.

Venue: Seville Book Fair. Apeadero Hall.

This presentation has been programmed as part of the parallel cultural activities of the CUDEMA2 Project within the Month of Cultural Diversity. Free admission until full capacity is reached.
