The Three with Books project, as part of the month dedicated to Morocco by the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation, invites its readers to discover this country from a cultural perspective. Its reading club will specialise in Moroccan authors and works about the country. Through this literary selection, participants will be able to explore the richness of a diverse and vibrant literature that reflects the cultural and historical complexity of the country.
Tres con libros, in its presential modality, you will enjoy the work Watch us dance (Cabaret Voltaire, 2023) by the French-Moroccan author Leila Slimanione of the most outstanding authors in contemporary French literature. This novel is the second instalment of her family saga dedicated to Morocco, in which she explores themes such as marriage, motherhood, social struggle, marginality and social classes.
In Three with books from home the reading will be done by the author's hand. Abdellah Taiathe latest revolutionary of Moroccan literature today, and his work He who is worthy to be loved (Cabaret Voltaire, 2018), in which he investigates aspects such as love and sexuality.
Finally, the mothers' club will read the play Sugar-free (Four Moons, 2024) by the author Mireia Estradaa story that, between biography and essay, invites us to reflect on the complexity of social integration, the clash of cultures and female identity.
This literary programme, made up of courageous proposals and valuable testimonies, will allow readers to enjoy the latest trends on the Moroccan literary scene.
Telephone numbers: 954088050 / 667252150
This activity is subsidised by the Junta de Andalucía, within the framework of the subsidy granted by the Consejería de la Presidencia, Interior, Diálogo Social y Simplificación Administrativa (Regional Ministry of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification).