The Fundación Tres Culturas, through its library, has joined forces with the Cepaim Foundation to organise a day designed for children, which will take place on 21 November at 4 pm. This activity, framed within the framework of International Children's Day, will take place at the headquarters of the Cepaim Foundation, a non-profit organisation that has been working since 1994 for coexistence and social cohesion.
During the day, there will be a reading of the illustrated album With open arms (Kalandraka) by the author Antonio Rubio and illustrated by María Girón, by our professional librarians. This work advocates diversity and teaches us that values such as love, family and friendship do not understand origins.
Later in the afternoon, the children will enjoy an intercultural snack and, at the end of the afternoon, an activity for the children. origami The event will involve the creation of paper birds as a symbol of freedom and the absence of borders, which can be taken home as a souvenir of the day.
Telephone numbers: 954088050 / 667252150
This activity is subsidised by the Junta de Andalucía, within the framework of the subsidy granted by the Consejería de la Presidencia, Interior, Diálogo Social y Simplificación Administrativa (Regional Ministry of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification).