The Fundación Tres Culturas has organised a tribute to the victims of the terrorist attacks perpetrated by the self-styled "Islamic State" on 18 November (at 7 p.m.), with the participation of representatives of various social, religious and professional groups.

The event will begin with the reading of a manifesto promoted by Tres Culturas and to which organisations such as the Assembly of Cooperation for Peace (ACPP), the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR), the Azarquiel Association, the Alberto Jiménez Becerril Foundation, the Triángulo Foundation and the Movement for Peace, Disarmament and Liberty (MPDL) have already adhered. All under the common slogan "united against barbarism, for dialogue between cultures and religions".

This will be followed by a speech by the president of the Seville Press Association, Rafael Rodríguez, who will be followed by a candle-lighting ceremony in which representatives of several of these signatory organisations will take part, as well as members of different social and professional groups, and of Christian, Muslim and Jewish communities.

Free admission until full capacity is reached.

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