On the occasion of the signing of the collaboration agreement between the Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo and the Fundación de Cultura Islámica (FUNCI), the round table 'Islamophobia, fears and prejudices in Spanish society' will take place on 22 September to analyse the rise of incidents against the Muslim population in Spain. It will also try to respond to some of the myths and misconceptions that most circulate among those who promote Islamophobia, in order to counteract the prejudices, stigmas and mistaken beliefs that generate hostility towards Islam.

In recent years, we are seeing how this type of racism towards the Muslim population is on the rise. Insults, cyber-hate, rumours... are some of the various forms in which Islamophobia is expressed. In this context, the roundtable aims, after a presentation on the current situation of the expansion of this type of discrimination, to dismantle those clichés or myths about Islam that provoke the most prejudice and controversy.

The round table will be attended by Alfonso CasaniFUNCI researcher, who will present the results of the report "Islamophobia in Spain. National Report 2015" published in April 2016; Abdelaali Bariki, president of Asociación Azarquiel; and Juan Ramón Jiménez, D. in Educational Sciences from the University of Seville and lecturer in the Department of Education at the University of Huelva.

Prior to the conference, we will visit the Hassan II pavilion. A tour to discover one of the jewels of Expo 92 and with a great architectural value.

More information:

Alfonso Casani Herranz, ‘Islamophobia in Spain. National Report 2015, European Islamophobia Report 2015 (Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research, 2016).

Alfonso Casani Herranz is a researcher at the 'Fundación de Cultura Islámica' (FUNCI). Author of the report Islamophobia in Spain. National report 2015is currently working on the project 'TwistislamophobiaFUNCI and has collaborated in his book Islam and Constitutionalism: an open dialogue. He is a doctoral student in the Department of Arab and Islamic Studies and Oriental Studies at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a member of the research group 'Taller de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos' (TEIM) and the 'Grupo de Estudios sobre las Sociedades Árabes y Musulmanas' (GRESAM).

Juan Ramón Jiménez Vicioso is a pedagogue, PhD in Education Sciences from the University of Seville and lecturer in the Department of Education at the University of Huelva. For 5 years he has directed the Master in Intercultural Education and participated in different research projects, training seminars, courses and publications on this subject. He is currently Deputy Director of the 'Centro de Investigación en Migraciones' (CIM) and member of the Andalusian Anti-Rumour Network.

Abdelaali Bariki is Pharmacist and social activist, current president of the Azarquiel cultural association of the Moroccan university community in Spain. Blogger and speaker on intercultural issues, Arab-Muslim and Andalusian culture.

If you would like to join us for the event or the visit, please fill in the following form.
