The Fundación Tres Culturas is organising jointly with the Florida International University School of Communication + Journalism the Intercultural Communication in Spain programme, which runs from 21 May to 10 June with an academic programme whose purpose is to offer students the opportunity to explore the concept of interculturality.

The Foundation, through the different activities that will be developed in this programme, becomes a space for multicultural participation where, from the encounter, other cultures are valued and intercultural communication strategies are developed to facilitate the meeting, exchange and dialogue.

The programme will conclude with a visit to Morocco that will seek to highlight the common legacy of both shores of the Mediterranean, which are united under the common paradigm of Al-Andalus, through lectures and thematic visits to places of high heritage value in the cities of Tangiers, Tetouan and Chefchaouen.

In this first edition with FIU, 15 university students will carry out a four-day educational itinerary (from 5 to 8 June), during which they will meet with young members of Moroccan youth associations in order to exchange experiences and reflections of mutual interest and lay the foundations for future common lines of work. In short, the aim is to build bridges and forge the foundations of a new citizenship based on the principles of respect, tolerance and common coexistence. All this through the use of the best tools: knowledge, experience and words.