The Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo is leading the PLUS Project (Politicians Listening to Us), which brings together more than 50 participants from the Euro-Mediterranean area to work on the issue of the social economy and share their impressions with political leaders. The participants, who will be living together in Seville from 17 to 24 July, come from youth associations and institutions from 11 countries: Belgium, Egypt, Spain, France, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Tunisia and Turkey.
The PLUS Project belongs to Key Action 3 of the European programme Erasmus +, whose objective is to promote dialogue between young people and policy makers. In this framework, the achievement of multiple objectives is fostered, since in addition to promoting structured dialogue and analysing the state of the social economy in the Euro-Mediterranean area, the particular characteristics of its participants allow the achievement of transversal objectives of great value in European programmes. In this way, PLUS facilitates the mobility of young people not only within the European framework but also between neighbouring Mediterranean countries. The direct contact with the cultural and religious diversity of its members helps to fight against stereotypes and discriminatory feelings of any kind. The diversity of activities allows working with the key competences approved in the European framework, using technology for communication and dissemination of results, the practice and learning of at least one foreign language and ultimately a greater awareness of the active role of young people as citizens.
Since the beginning of this year, the participants have been working together using social networks through a Facebook group created specifically for the project, which has proved to be very useful in allowing an informal approach to diversity. The months of the calendar have so far been spent exchanging information on different religious festivals, traditions, music, photographs of events, social economy enterprises and especially news of interest to all, such as the current situation in the European Union and other events with serious consequences for some of the participating countries, such as the latest attacks in Istanbul.
The PLUS project is structured in two phases:
In the first phase of work, the different participants, grouped by country, carried out a detailed study of the state of the social economy in each of their countries, at local or regional level, including examples of enterprises.
The second phase of work is based on the international meeting that takes place in Seville from 17 to 24 July 2016, where the results of the previous research will be shared in order to create a final document of conclusions for its subsequent distribution. This meeting will also promote direct contact with policy makers, which is the objective of key action 3 of the Erasmus+ programme.
These visits include the Seville City Hall, the Andalusian Parliament and the headquarters of the Andalusian Government in the Palace of San Telmo. In addition, the headquarters of the Three Cultures Foundation will also receive visits of a political nature, such as the mayor of the Granada municipality of Jun; as well as of a business nature, including a representative of the Spanish Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES) and the Andalusian company 'Inés Rosales', winner of the Le Cog D'Or 2015 award. The programme is completed with a series of activities related to the culture and history of the city, including a game of clues on five routes through Seville and a visit to the Real Alcázar.
At the same time, with the aim of giving other young Andalusians the opportunity to live with the group of participants in the PLUS project, student volunteers from the Pablo de Olavide University have been selected to provide support in translation and students from the audiovisual sector who will interpret this encounter with their photo and video cameras. The result of this collaboration will be exhibited in a collective exhibition under the title PHOTO PLUS, which will be coordinated by the Fundación Tres Culturas and will serve to give greater continuity to the project and reach other audiences.
This project is financed by European funds and with the collaboration of the Ministry of Moroccans Living Abroad and Migration Affairs, the Three Cultures Foundation and the Andalusian Regional Government.
For more information: Catalina Bejarano 673866475