With the aim of tackling the major debates in the current Mediterranean area, we are organising this cycle to disseminate the multiple and complex field of cinema related to the media, especially documentary film. We also aim to draw attention to the diverse and topical themes addressed.
We believe it is important to promote a reflection on the various processes that originate around us that need to be narrated and filmed in order to be known, to create opinion, to appeal to consciences and to situate us in new realities.
Neighbourhood relations, the situation of women in different countries, citizens' movements, the Arab Spring, immigration and the history of Casablanca are the themes explored in this cycle.
Las proyecciones tendrán lugar en la sede del Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga (C/Alemania, S/N, 29001 Málaga) a las 20:00h, con entrada libre hasta completar aforo.
Miércoles, 29 de junio, 20.00h.
Manu Horrillo, Spain, 2015, 85 min.
The most universal city, a history of encounters and coexistence. A century and many personal stories of the Spaniards who went to Casablanca in search of a future. El Dorado where dreams could come true, the African Pearl of the French Protectorate in Morocco. A documentary by Manuel Horrillo and MLK Producciones.