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Visual artist of Moroccan origins Ahlam Lemseffer in artistic residency in Seville

from 31/07/2019
to 01/09/2019

The Fundación Tres Culturas (Three Cultures Foundation) through the European CARPET project, welcomes visual artist of Moroccan origins Ahlam Lemseffer, one of the most influential visual creators of her generation, to Seville.

Ahlam Lemseffer lives and works between Casablanca, Azemmour and the beach of Briech in Asilah, Morocco. Trained in Paris, her work started to obtain more visibility and recognition in the 80s when she started to take part in contemporary art events all over the world. Throughout her career she has received a number of recognitions such as a commemoration from the French Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Her work finds means of expression through painting, sculpture and installations with which she develops an iconography that brings value to forms that evoke architecture, the environment and the human being.

In 2012 she founded the Maison de l’Art Contemporaine Asilah, MAC-A in Asilah, Morocco. A non-profit foundation that holds international artist encounters, residencies, exhibitions, conferences, concerts and other educational and social events.

The CARPET Project is coordinated by the Fundación Tres Culturas (Three Cultures Foundation) together with partners Creative Kernow in the UK, CEARTE in Portugal and APDN in Morocco. This project has financial support under the European Europa Creativa programme.

