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The Tres Culturas Foundation launches this section so you can visualize those multimedia files (video, photographs, sound, …) that we have been collecting during the realization of the activities.

Ahmed Saadawi, one of the most important voices of the new Iraki literatura, at Tres Culturas
Fecha: 19/09/2019
International Conference of ‘Inter-Civilizational Dialogue’
Fecha: 05/09/2019
INTREPIDA at the VII Mediterranean Fair of Tavira
Fecha: 05/09/2019
INTREPIDA date. Personal image workshop with Alexandra Vanstalle
Fecha: 18/06/2019
Greek fiction and Turkish reality, Tres Culturas’ two recommendations at the Seville Book Fair
Fecha: 02/06/2019
INTREPIDA date. Developing self-knowledge and creativity through art therapy
Fecha: 27/05/2019
INTREPIDA date. Historical tour of the Seville of Tres Culturas
Fecha: 21/05/2019
INTREPIDA date in Portugal: fresh pasta-making workshop
Fecha: 13/05/2019
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