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Spanish language courses for Moroccan people living in Andalusia

from 02/04/2018
to 19/12/2018

This year, the Three Cultures Foundation bets again for training as a help tool for Moroccan people living in Andalusia. For this, the 4th edition of the Spanish language courses is launched. It is an awareness-raising activity framed in the Alqantara project.

These courses will be taught in the province of Huelva, specifically in Lepe due to the number of Moroccan people that this municipality receives during the planting and harvesting of the strawberry.Thanks to the acquisition of a second language, the integration and interaction process is reinforced in terms of language needs.

Learning to communicate, understanding the language, actively participating in conversations or dealing with different daily life situations are some of the objectives of these Spanish language courses. It will begin in April and it will be structured into two blocks with different levels of training, according to the degree of the students’ literacy.