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Webinar: The new Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) as game changer in the Middle East and North Africa societies

29/04/2016 From 00:00

Using this innovative system of seminars on line, The Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation and IEMED will offer to those people interested the possibility of following this free cost seminar wherever they might be. The only necessary requirement is to have a computer with access to internet. We will also open the window of opportunity to send questions to the speaker during and after his speech. This will have a duration of 3hours, including a pause of 30m.

With younger and younger societies (around 60% have less than 30 years), digitally connected to internet in a native way, plus and plus urbans and immersed in contexts of great tensions in which women look for new ways to self-fulfillment, the ICTs offer them tools favoring the creativity, la hyper-connectivity among similar around the world, possibilities of entrepreneurship, education without censorship and the access to new sources of financing.

In order to download the programme of the webinar, please click here and to follow it, it is compulsory to register here. Please, be ready and connected to internet 15m before the beginning of the webinar.